Liang Vision

Do you know the truth when you see it? There’s no need to deal with the hassles of glasses and contact lenses anymore. With today’s technological advancements you can experience the world without barriers. At Center for Sight, we’re thrilled that Millennials are reporting in record numbers that they plan to have LASIK. When considering LASIK, we want you to know your facts. Below, the 10 most common LASIK myths have been busted! See the science behind the facts. How many of these have you heard in the past?

facts, myth, lasik, eye surgery, blind,

Myth 1 “The results of LASIK wear off over time”

Fact: LASIK does NOT wear off! Though the effects of laser vision correction last a lifetime, LASIK does not prevent the onset of age-related eye conditions. LASIK works to correct your vision by reshaping the cornea, the outer layer of the eye. After LASIK, distance vision has been permanently corrected. A small percentage of people (less than 3%), may have some change in their prescription through their 20s, but this is not the norm. However, as we enter our 40’s, the natural lens inside our eye changes. This is called Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome. These lens changes affect our near vision, making it difficult to focus on type and objects up close. We offer solutions like the Raindrop Inlay and Dysfunctional Lens Replacement to allow you to see up close again, and to reduce or even eliminate dependency on reading glasses and bifocals.

Myth 2 “I have astigmatism, so I can’t have LASIK”

Fact: Although this misconception was true when LASIK technology was in its infancy, it is no longer the case! Modern lasers can effectively treat astigmatism with outstanding results.

Myth 3 “LASIK is painful and has a long recovery time”

Fact: LASIK is generally painless! You will feel a few moments of pressure, but the entire procedure is over quickly. Numbing drops are used to prevent discomfort during surgery.  A mild pain reliever over the counter can be taken at home for any discomfort. Most people can drive and go back to work the very next day!

Myth 4 “LASIK has a high risk of complications and side effects”

Fact: Clinical studies of LASIK have shown that the risk of serious complication is extremely low, less than 1%! In fact, you are 180 times more likely to have a serious infection while wearing contacts than after LASIK! While glare and dry eyes can be common side effects right after surgery, these typically subside within a few months.

Myth 5 “LASIK is too new to know the long term effects. The technology is still in development!”

Fact: LASIK has been performed successfully for over 20 years! Since the early 80’s, over 30 million people have had LASIK worldwide. Countless studies have confirmed its safety and success. LASIK’s satisfaction rate is the highest of any medical procedure– over 97%! Technology will always continue to advance, but today’s is so good that there is no need to wait. There has never been a better time to invest in LASIK than now.

Myth 6 “I’m too young for LASIK. My prescription isn’t stable yet.”

Fact: If you are at least 18 years old, your eyes are most likely done developing. The majority of people reach prescription stability between the ages of 18 and 21. The best thing to do is to schedule your consultation with the experts at Center for Sight to find out if you’re a candidate.

Myth 7 “All LASIK is the same. Just get the cheapest”

Fact: When considering something as crucial as your vision, never compromise your health by settling for a discount center. Seeking a recommended and reputable surgeon like Keith Liang, MD is worth the investment. Cheaper clinics may not keep up with the latest technology, patient screening, or follow up care.

Myth 8 “Anyone who wants to have LASIK is a candidate”

Fact: While today’s technology has made LASIK more inclusive than ever before, not all people are LASIK candidates. To ensure safety and the very best post-LASIK outcomes, patients’ eyes are thoroughly analyzed to determine if they are ideal candidates. The great news is that even if you aren’t a LASIK candidate another solution, like PRK or ICL, will yield the same great results and may be right for you!

Myth 9 “All lasers used for LASIK are basically the same”

Fact: There are a variety of lasers that can be used to treat a patient’s eyes. After a proper screening and confirmation of the condition that needs to be corrected, Dr. Liang can identify the most appropriate laser needed to treat your condition.

Myth 10 “The laser does all the work. It doesn’t matter what doctor I get!”

Fact: Your surgeon’s application of skill and level of expertise matters! Laser systems are sophisticated, needing proper programming to deliver customized treatment. A surgeon’s level of expertise and care before, during, and after surgery are critical to success. Learn more about Keith Liang, MD’s specialized and intensive training by reading his biography here. Two important contributors to the success of the surgery are the pre- and post-operative care. This is best achieved if your surgeon works closely with your own personal eye doctor, who is most familiar with your eyes and will continue to care for you years after your procedure. The surgeon, the LASIK technicians and your own eye doctor should work as a team to provide you with a quality outcome.